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Energy healing is simply the moving and transforming of energy to create a positive change in our bodies and in our lives. We all have been introduced to the first law of thermodynamics that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can be transformed from one form to another. Energy healing and Reiki (one of many types of energy healing) does just that. It transforms energy.
With Reiki and other types of energy healing, the healer works with energy across any distance in space or time. Whether the healer is in the same room with the recipient, or on the other side of the world, the healer can link up to the other person or animal’s energy field and affect change. There is an ancient principle called the Hermetic Law of Similarity, which holds that because we are all made of energy and part of a larger whole, we are all connected. It is through this spiritual truth of connection that we have the capacity to telepathically and energetically connect with each other anywhere on the space-time continuum.
When I am clearing an Akashic Record for a client, I am tapping into the energy of that past life event and shifting it in order to create a shift in this present day reality. When I tune into the energy field of a client’s pet and connect telepathically with them, I am using my psychic skills to “perform” a healing session for the pet which could include energetic craniosacral therapy, fascial release work, aura cleansing, aromatherapy, chakra balancing, emotional release, organ cleansing, nervous system rebalancing, and Reiki. When I am helping a client to remove stuck emotion from a particular place in their body, if we are doing an in-person session I will use my hands, and if we are working from a distance I simply use my mind, intention and psychic skills along the space-time continuum.

Over the course of the weekend we will learn how to:Apply basic anatomy to our yoga practice and teaching Create simple yoga-based sequences to assist movement re-patterning Use asana as a therapeutic modality of healing Support ourselves and our students/clients through an injury rehabilitation process
Topics covered will include:• Understanding complicated joints including the knee, SI joint and shoulder • The importance of being grounded and internally awake through feet, pelvic floor and psoas • The function and relationship of the abdominals to the practice and the body • How to recognize and work with scoliosis • Cultivating a healthy back and taking care of back problems • Why energy anatomy is relevant and important to a balanced practice • How acupuncture and bodywork can be informative tools that support a healing yoga practice
This valuable intensive is ideal for:• Yoga Teachers • Yoga Students • Bodyworkers • Movement Therapists
This 18-hour course includes the following:• Lectures and discussions on human anatomy • Practicum on application of anatomy to yoga asana • Detailed yoga and teaching practices for various applications. • Q&A discussion sessions • Anatomy book and course-specific handouts • Certificate of completion + 18 qualified contact hours for Yoga Alliance’s continuing education credit
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